Hello Web, from Dr Strange Unabomber


1 min read

The overwhelming state of the web can use the cautious spell of Dr Strange on the crazy idea of Unabomber.

Ted Kaczynski, infamously known as the Unabomber ... argued that modern people are depressed because all the world's hard problems have already been solved. ... So Kaczynski's idea was to destroy existing institutions, get rid of all technology and let people start and work on hard problems anew.

- Page 94 and 95 of Zero to One by Peter Thiel with Blake Masters.

In Unabomber's extreme stance are the opportunities starting afresh brings. Which, the web needs to redefine the web experience and erase the web tech debts.

Yet, unsetting web technologies that power millions of businesses worth trillions of dollars is a no-no. But with Dr Strange's mirror dimension, as a safe space to explore that crazy adventure, it's a yes-yes.

Through toheeb.com/en/journey, I'm starting anew to create an independent web.

I is Dr SU.